How much should the packaging cost?

Different packages have different costs. However, when the average consumer buys a product, they never know how much the packaging will cost. Most likely, they hardly ever thought about it.
What's more, they didn't know that, despite the same 2-liter water, a 2-liter polyethylene terephthalate bottle of mineral water costs less than four 0.5-liter bottles of the same material. At the same time, although they will pay more, they will still buy 0.5 liter bottled water.


As with any product, any packaging made of any material has value. This is number one for manufacturers of products, followed by businesses that sell those products, and number three is consumers, who now occupy a more important position in the market because of their purchases Both product and packaging are required.

The cost of any packaging, as well as any other product, includes cost and a certain margin. Its price also depends on the value and cost of the product itself. Therefore, the price of the packaging of chocolate, perfume and bank VIP card of the same cost may change several times, ranging from 5% to 30%-40% of the cost of the product itself.

Of course, the price of packaging depends on material and energy costs, labor costs, technology and equipment costs used, logistics costs, advertising fees, etc. Also, in most cases it depends on the competition in a particular packaging market.

It should be noted that the price of the package is mainly related to the functions it is given. It is difficult to determine their respective contribution to the package price. Probably, they are different for different types of products. But the link between the price of such a package and its function is easier for consumers to understand.

After all, it is consumers who determine how important each packaging feature is to the product they buy. In addition, consumer purchases form demand for packaging through its function, which indirectly affects the price of the product. Each of these functions to provide packaging entails certain costs in its development, production, and distribution.


The main function of the packaging
Among these functions, the most important for consumers are product protection, information and functionality (convenience). Let us focus on protecting products from damage and damage, losses from emissions and spills, and changes to the product itself. Obviously, providing this packaging function is the most expensive because it requires the highest material and energy costs in relation to the type of packaging material, the design of the packaging, the technology and equipment used for production. They account for the largest share of packaging costs.
Another thing to note is that when this packaging function "doesn't work", the packaged product will spoil and be discarded. It can be said that due to poor packaging, human beings lose 1/3 of food every year, or 1.3 billion tons of food, with a total value of more than 250 million US dollars.Packaging using different designs, shapes, sizes and types of packaging materials (paper, cardboard, polymer, glass, metal, wood, etc.). Its development or selection depends on the type and product characteristics and its storage requirements.
Significant progress has been made in reducing packaging materials and packaging costs. First, any packaging, if it is safe for humans and the environment, can be used to package a specific product. Second, the entire life cycle must be considered when evaluating the characteristics.


advantages and disadvantages of packaging, and this approach should be used when designing, selecting or selecting packaging for a particular product. Third, the development of packaging requires an integrated approach based on sound and objective trade-offs with the participation of manufacturers of materials, packaging, packaged products and trade.

Post time: Jul-07-2022